SCHMACHTL: The Jour­ney of a Family Bu­siness into the Di­gital Age

| Reading time: 4 Minutes


SCHMACHTL offers services and products for industry, trade and commerce. Decades of experience that are clearly perceptible when working with them. Prof­essional, life­cycle-oriented so­lutions and close contact to the customers are held in high re­gard. Because the 130 employees don't believe in rushed short-term so­lutions – neither do we at Content Glory. A co­operative travel­ogue about small chal­lenges, big ob­stacles and forks in the road that con­fronted us with some im­portant decisions.

It was during that time...

While we were still calmly dedicating ourselves to our other customers in 2018, SCHMACHTL was already looking for us, a suitable companion for their content adventure into the digital world. This first chapter is about the brave efforts of a traditional company to break new ground with a young agency. And new paths require change and the courage to leave one's previous (thinking) environment – that includes us, too. "The partnership with SCHMACHTL is a very special one because we maintain a relationship at eye level. We consciously perceive ourselves as companions, because we also evolve with each new task – this is a great opportunity for both parties. During our work, the customer became aware that relevant content with added value for the target group offers an immense advantage over classic Sales activities. Based on this, we not only actively shaped the Content Strategy, but also the Change Process. And this is how we introduced SCHMACHTL to a new Marketing approach: With the help of Account Based Marketing strategies, we are currently completely rethinking the Sales Process," summarizes Content Glory Managing Director René Neubach. His role on our journey? That will follow in the next paragraphs.

Opening up new realms

When Jules Bernard, Head of Marketing at SCHMACHTL, took over the position two years ago, one thing was crystal clear: "Digitalization is the topic on which we have to concentrate particularly in order to be able to continue to exist in today's fast-moving working world.” After all, digitalization does not leave the industry unaffected. In fact, new innovations are launched almost every day and companies have to adapt to them constantly. 

Stay at home or become a citizen of the world?

There is also another factor: generational change. And it brings a breeze of fresh, digital life into the business world – but what does that mean for companies? "The generation of baby boomers will retire in the next few years and those who follow in their steps are generations Y and Z." And they are characterized above all by the fact that digitalization is no longer nice-to-have, but a must-have. "The Internet is our main communication medium and our information search is therefore digital. Those who do not have a strong online presence in our industry will most likely disappear and will certainly lose large market shares," the Marketing Manager says. 

Defining the first goal of the journey 

SCHMACHTL's goal was therefore clear: to improve and expand its own digital presence and generate leads. "We had to take action ourselves and no longer wait for customer inquiries. Sales must be fed with qualified leads in order to achieve shorter sales cycles and improved qualified appointments". The first steps towards Digital Marketing were contemplated. Marketing automation became part of the discussion for the first time. "Through research about it we came across Content Glory." Our journey together could begin. 

Choosing trustworthy companions who know the terrain

After the initial discussions with us, Jules Bernard realized that the mere utilization of the platform was by no means enough: "A long-term Marketing Strategy was needed. "Content Glory knew how to make the most of HubSpot's features. René showed us, however, that the tool itself is not worth much if you don't create content that brings relevance and added value to the target group. We then developed a strategy by asking the important questions:

  • How will SCHMACHTL position itself in the future?
  • Where does the own potential lie that sets the company apart from their competition?
  • What are the focus topics of the company?
  • Which contents are relevant in which phase of the purchasing process?

Where should the journey take us? 

Based on these initial considerations, we defined the Content Strategy. Positioning, target group and topic clusters were developed for each line of business. In this so-called Editorial Concept, we determined which content should be communicated to whom and in which tonality. This paved the way for the coming articles. 

The glorious fellowship 

Now a lot has been said about goals, but who is doing what? We introduce: The glorious content fellows. 

With the compass in hand: Content Strategist René Neubach

René has the strategic compass in his hand and is leading the way. In joint workshops, strategy and future direction of marketing activities are defined together with SCHMACHTL.

The Torchbearer: Project Manager Ursula Mitteregger 

The light that guides everyone to stay on the right path. Ursula drives the editorial plan and ensures that all agreements are not only recorded in written form, but also implemented as discussed. Precise planning and flexibility are equally important here. Regular telephone arrangements with Jules Bernard are commonplace (she probably knows his number by heart now).

Paramedic with first aid kit and tools: Content Manager Tanja Hoffmann and Marketing Technologist Michael Schwinghammer

Something is wrong with the template or e-mails are not sent correctly? There is no such thing as not working. Tanja and Michael make sure that all content is both technically sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing. Tanja also analyzes the Marketing Performance. 

Writers about the events on the journey: The editors Pia Saal and Carina Sitz

After the choice of words and the tonality of the texts have been defined, everything creative takes place here: Topics are identified during editorial meetings, interview partners are contacted, texts are written and put online. In addition, they answer the following question: How does the target group actually perceive the content?

Smart Automation SCHMACHTL

Ursula, Carina and Pia (ltr) at the Smart Automation fare in Linz with and for SCHMACHTL

The bags are packed – we're ready to go

Have you got everything? The fellowship members have been selected and are ready to embark on the journey into the digital world together with SCHMACHTL. But every child knows that journeys into the unknown are associated with dangers: Losing sight of the strategic breadcrumbs for a moment or technical data monsters that have to be defeated. How does our Content Marketing path proceed and do we always choose the right branch? You'll find out in the second part. 

To be continued...


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